Monday 22 July 2013

My lovely dead hair :)

For anyone who has known me for more than three minutes, one of the first things that they notice is that I have very unnatural tendencies when it comes to my hair colour. For the past year, I've dyed it so many times, I can't even count back. I've had it black and pink, blond and pink, bright coral, deep pink, dark purple, light green, steel blue, and finally lilac.

Last night I was bored, and decided to get rid of the yellowish-orangish tone that was left from the last time I bleached my roots in May. I used toner, man, that did not work at all. I used manic panic toner, because that's what I had in my drawer of wonders, and I was really disappointed. I know that another way to tone is to use purple shampoo, purple toner, purple stuff in short. So I brought out the purple dye from that same drawer of wonder, mixed a small amount with a healthy dose of cheap conditioner, and put that all over my head.

Now, it's mostly light purple, with some parts toned, some parts slightly pinkish... I don't really care, that's a good thing I think. I do get some weird looks, and some intense stares, but then I have for the last six years of my life because I like to dress all in black and wear heavy eyeliner. People really puzzle me sometimes (all the time).

Yea for lilac! I'm really curious to see how it fades, I really have no clue what it will do. Last time I bleached purple my hair turned green, and I went with it. I'm sure it won't fade green, but then, what do I know of hair chemistry, I just like to mess with it. :p

I wanted silver gray or white too, since I'm supposed to cosplay a character from League of Legends for Hal-Con, but time is running out if I have to build an armour and weapons. I might not get around to trying out those colours yet. I really like the green too, and I still have a lot of green dye left, I might just switch up between green and purple for a while.

We'll see how I feel next time I change my hair. I usually do it on a whim.

Lilac hair: DONE.

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