Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Doctor Who Obsession

I get a little obsessed sometimes, about different things.. Like Game of Thrones and Doctor Who. They literally have cults following them, so I don't think I'm being weird, just really, really dragged in.

After I finished my big LotR scarf, I decided I wanted a big scarf for myself. The easiest and most obvious place to look is to the 4th Doctor. So here I am, knitting along again.

Now, I'm doing the original scarf, the one from season 12, because between season 12 and 18, there are a number of different scarves. Most of them are similar, length changes here and there amongst them, some are shorter, some are wayyyyy longer. I went for the original. Straightforward, not too wide nor too long. Good.

I'm already more than a quarter of the way, it's really knitting itself. :P
Garter stitch from start to finish, I barely have to look at it, I just watch episodes of Doctor Who. Classic episodes with Tom Baker, the original wearer of this scarf, or the new series with David Tennant, because he's a cutie! Matt Smith is not bad either, but David Tennant is a big nerd crush.

Depending on the light, it looks more or less saturated. I'm using fairly bright colours. It's so snuggly!!! RAAAAAAAHHH snuggles!

Tom Baker as the Doctor is really great. He was the doctor from 1974 until 1981, He's the actor who incarnated the doctor for the longest time. Seven seasons in total, any Doctor Who fan ought to watch him, he's really great. Did I mention special effects from the 70's? Those are hilarious, they make me super happy!

Now look at this beauty! The scarf at midway point! Soon enough it will be finished, and then I'll wear it proudly all the time. And I'll dress up as the 4th Doctor for Halloween. :)

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