Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Crunch Time?

Time Left: 2 weeks and a half.

Soooo, I guess I didn't get around to everything yet. I'm going to blame it on that scarf I was working on, and to that second scarf I just started. *rolls eyes*
Nah really, I wasn't expecting to get everything done, it was on a limb of Leibnizian enthusiasm, and was more of a reach for the stars and you'll land on the moon.
I'm really happy with what I've done so far.
No I haven't started my cosplay costume, nor the coat I saw in June at the fair, nor did I even start researching my thesis...
But that's okay, because I finished stuff that had been on my list for MONTHS! In my book, that's an accomplishment.

For the ones that I did start and that are still on the unfinished side though, I'll have to cram it in a little bit. I absolutely want to finish the corset. The fabric pieces are cut, all that's missing is my next day off, and the courage to clear my table, so that I can set my sewing machine on it. Thursday, it's a date, sewing machine ;).
The 3D puzzle, I haven't touched at all in a while, I'll tackle it eventually, probably as a means of procrastination. Oh bad me.

The "re-decorate the living room" actually entails more than that. In my world, it stands for re-organize the room, throw stuff out, put other stuff away neatly, put the books properly back into the bookcases.... and so on. It's more of a "tidy up and make it look acceptable." I've kinda started, a little. Not much.

Though I still technically have two weeks and a half until September, I only have 13 days to complete this. Why? Because I'm going to New-Brunswick for about a week before University starts on the 5th. Last week of vacation, and I get to annoy my little sister, and see some old friends. That sounds wonderful to me.

Let's go, let's try to get as much done as possible.

Till then!

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