Time left: 4 weeks.
Almost halfway through this challenge, time really flies. I've been working mostly on my scarf, so I postponed any un-started project, and halted any half started one.. Oh bad me. That scarf is just driving me crazy, it's so huge (that's what she said), I just want to finish knitting it, and start another one. That's my motivation. I want to make another giant scarf, and matching socks.
Thigh high knitted socks.
My Mucha art has been sitting on my table, the Neuschwanstein Schloss is sitting on another table, the posters look wonderful in the living room..
I will be starting the corset soon, I have the pattern and the fabric, and the corset supplies are on their way. Straight from Farthingales, which is a Canadian company. Now I understand why corsets are so damn expensive. Well made corsets, such as those on Fairy Goth Mother cost a fortune, and now I know why. I don't mean silly little things with plastic boning, in thin shiny polyester satin, I'm talking about the real stuff. The heavy brocade, steel boned, waist-reducing corsets. And that's what I'm making.
So excited!
I've had this pattern sitting in a drawer with a pile of other patterns for at least 2-3 years. I'm finally going to use it. I'm not convinced of its authenticity, but that's what I have, and it's a good starting point for a first corset. Yes, I could take some other corset patterns I have here, scale them up and use them, but this one comes with confusing instructions, like Swedish furniture. I like puzzles, let's turn this into a puzzle as well as sewing, twice the fun, just one doze of frustration. :)
Update August 15
I spent a good part of the day hanging with Molly (my creepy pincushion) and my sewing machine. I started my corset, oh yes I did!
The instructions say that there are only 20 steps in the whole process to get from start to finish. THAT'S A LIE! It would be 20 steps IF and only IF step zero is this: gather materials, cut fabric, read instructions 17 times.
Don't believe me? Maybe reading them five times is sufficient, but 17 is just to be on the safe side. And don't rely just on the images, sometimes they don't correspond...
I got as far as step five, so that's a quarter of the way already. :)
Basically, this morning I had oddly shaped pieces of fabric, and now I have two distinct halves of a corset-to-be, with the channeling for the boning in place.
Maybe on my next day off I'll get as far as step 10. Who knows.
Update August 21
Woo! I'm kinda-almost-done! I've assembled the two halves, and they hook unto each other nicely and all.. Now it only needs the grommets. Many, many, many grommets. I
reeeeeeeally wanted to finish it before school starts, but in the sewing studios we have that nifty little press that just installs grommets for you. That's way more convenient (and does a better job) than trying to use the tiny metal piece and a hammer. (It might also save a few of my fingers... hehe)
Front and back view of the corset :3 !!
I can't wait until I put the grommets in and lace it up (on myself), with black laces.... It's going to be sooooo pretty. It's not perfect (far from it...) but for a first corset, I'm proud of myself. :)
Corset: DONE